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Interhomeopathy - Uraninitum and Uranium nitricum in hereditary spherocytosis
2010 October

Uraninitum and Uranium nitricum in hereditary spherocytosis

by Markus Kuntosch

At the end of her own consultation, a young mother mentioned that her 3 month old daughter had inherited the family’s disease; she was diagnosed with hereditary spherocytosis[1] and suffers from anemia (Hb 8mg/dl). If the haemoglobin declines further, she will need a blood transfusion. Her mother, her grandfather and his mother had the same form of anaemia. She herself underwent a splenectomy at the age of 9.

She asked if homeopathy could be of help. The waiting room was full, it was already quite late, and I did not have enough time for a complete anamnesis, so I just looked for a moment at the little girl. She had a pale grey face, was quite self-assured, and reminded me of a very old woman. When she looked back at me, I felt that she was scanning me with a kind of x-ray vision. The mother told me that she literally radiated heat when she had fever. So, what could be done?


She has a hereditary illness of the hematopoiesis, looks very old, scanned me with an x-ray vision and radiates heat.

According to Jan Scholten, the Uranium series represents old age. We can find hereditary diseases, genetic aberrations, and diseases of the bone marrow. The elements are too heavy and disintegrate under emission of radiation.

She is quite self-assured (> Stage 6), so I ruled out a radium salt. Another patient in our clinic, suffering from thalassemia[2], reacted well on Uranium nitricum. At this point, I did not see a clear indication for a salt, so I gave Uraninitum MK[3].

Follow up:

At the next blood check, 2 weeks later, her haemoglobin level had gone up to 9, 3 mg/dl. The pediatrician was satisfied and decided to wait for the transfusion. I saw her again 6 months later, her development was fine and she had started to crawl. Since the last MMR vaccination two weeks ago, however, she was out of balance. The first day after the injection, she had very high fever, up to 41deg.C, started to become irritable and cross, and the haemoglobin went down to 8 mg/dl.

First, I gave her the MMR-Nosode C200 but she kept on shrieking, did not sleep well, and had coryza with thick green mucus. Her mother also said that she protested heavily when she tried to fix the safety-belts of her child seat. The aversion to being bound made me think of a Nitricum salt and I gave her Uranium nitricum C200. Two days later, she was sleeping well again.

The pediatrician, having suggested a splenectomy for her, said that she also needed to be vaccinated against meningococci. Again, she had high fever and became aggressive, throwing herself on the floor and refusing to be cuddled. I repeated Uranium nitricum C200; the fever went down and two weeks later, the haemoglobin was almost normal! (11 mg/dl). In the last 18 months, I have repeated Uranium nitricum C200 three times, mostly for sleeping problems, and it has helped within one week, each time.


[1] Spherocytosis: A genetic disorder of the red blood cell membrane clinically characterized by anemia, jaundice (yellowing) and splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen). In HS the red cells are smaller, rounder, and more fragile than normal. The red cells have a spherical rather than the biconcave-disk shape of the normal red cell.

[2] Thalassemia: thalassemias are a diverse group of genetic blood diseases characterized by absent or decreased production of normal hemoglobin, resulting in a microcytic anemia of varying degree.

[3] Uraninite is a radioactive, uranium-rich mineral and ore with a chemical composition that is largely UO2, but also contains UO3 and oxides of lead, thorium, and rare earth elements. It is most commonly known as pitchblende (Wikipedia)

Photos: Wikimedia Commons

Keywords: hereditary spherocytosis, old looking, x-ray vision, radiates heat
Remedies: Uraninitum, Uranium nitricum


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