Homeopathy and natural medicine
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Interhomeopathy - 2009 March
2009 March
Chemical Algebra: Enjoying the fruits (and salts) of Jan Scholten's invention: 1/4
Keywords: Chemical Algebra, Jan Scholten, Paul Herscu, F. Habashi, Jeremy Sherr, Louis Klein, Rajan Sankaran, Jacques Echard, Roger Morrison, Jayaesh Shah, Joseph Reves, Deborah Collins
Heteractis malu; The Sea Anemone: Exposed and vulnerable, must protect by withdrawal inward
Keywords: sea anemone, exposed, protect, withdraw, irritable bowel disease, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Heteractis malu, Stoichactis kenti
Technetium Muriaticum - An Integration of Light and Dark
Keywords: Technetium Muriaticum, potency, nurture, creative expression, inspiration
Cadmium phosphoricum in glandular fever
Keywords: Cadmium phosphoricum, glandular fever, Medorrhinum, Phosphorus, Glandular Fever Nosode, Iodum, Sarcolactic Acid, Cannabis Sativa
Olibanum tree /as mediators
Olibanum tree /as mediators, by Enna Stallinga
Keywords: olibanum, boswellia sacra, boswellia carterii, burseraceae, farewell, sympatetic, too generous, helpful, burnout, clairvoyance, holy tree, able to say no, guilt, over-responsible
Manganum iodatum_A case of
Manganum iodatum_A case of, by Wendy Hewland
Keywords: Manganum iodatum, restlessly helping, escape from family, neglected child
Editorial March 2009
Editorial March 2009, by Jan Scholten

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