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Spectrum of Homeopathy 2019-3, Stones

Narayana Verlag

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2019-3, Stones, Narayana Verlag
96 pages, booklet
publication: 2019
product no.: 24265
weight: 325g

issues per year € 45 / $ 59
plus shipment: 3 x € 2,90 ($ 4) = € 8,70 ($ 12)

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2019-3, Stones

Narayana Verlag

Mineral Complex Remedies
24.00 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
96 pages, booklet
publication: 2019
product no.: 24265
weight: 325g

issues per year € 45 / $ 59
plus shipment: 3 x € 2,90 ($ 4) = € 8,70 ($ 12)

Stones - Mineral Complex Remedies

With her book of stones in “Physica,” Hildegard von Bingen founded a centuries-long tradition of precious stone treatment as part of esoteric natural healing. In homeopathy this group of remedies has only been researched in the last few decades through remedy provings. The proving symptoms and clinical experience using remedies made from such diverse substances as Granite, Lava, and Rose quartz have led to the emergence of common themes for the stones as a separate remedy family.

Together with typical themes such as heaviness, stiffness, and isolation but also breaking out and exploding, we also find the well-known characteristics of this entire mineral kingdom such as a feeling of lack and the need for structure and control. Each individual stone is a complex remedy of various elements of the periodic table with differing emphases on the individual rows such as the Carbon, Silicium, or the Iron series. Our internationally renowned authors present various stone remedies, demonstrating with concrete cases how to reliably select these remedies via the common themes of the remedy family, the understanding of the elemental components, the repertory, and proving symptoms.


24.00 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Stones - Mineral Complex Remedies

With her book of stones in “Physica,” Hildegard von Bingen founded a centuries-long tradition of precious stone treatment as part of esoteric natural healing. In homeopathy this group of remedies has only been researched in the last few decades through remedy provings. The proving symptoms and clinical experience using remedies made from such diverse substances as Granite, Lava, and Rose quartz have led to the emergence of common themes for the stones as a separate remedy family.

Together with typical themes such as heaviness, stiffness, and isolation but also breaking out and exploding, we also find the well-known characteristics of this entire mineral kingdom such as a feeling of lack and the need for structure and control. Each individual stone is a complex remedy of various elements of the periodic table with differing emphases on the individual rows such as the Carbon, Silicium, or the Iron series. Our internationally renowned authors present various stone remedies, demonstrating with concrete cases how to reliably select these remedies via the common themes of the remedy family, the understanding of the elemental components, the repertory, and proving symptoms.


24.00 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

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Spectrum of Homeopathy 2019-3, Stones, Narayana Verlag+Table of Crystal Structure, Peter L. Tumminello =
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available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

This product: Spectrum of Homeopathy 2019-3, Stones by Narayana Verlag ‐ 24.00 US$
Table of Crystal Structure by Peter L. Tumminello ‐ 21.10 US$

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1 month ago
Download did not work - far too complicated. Waste of money.
Download did not work - far too complicated. Waste of money. read more ...
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