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Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-I, BIRDS - E-Book

Narayana Verlag

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-I, BIRDS - E-Book, Narayana Verlag
144 pages,
publication: 2015
product no.: 20099

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-I, BIRDS - E-Book

Narayana Verlag

A New Group of Medicine
0.00 US$
144 pages,
publication: 2015
product no.: 20099

We are gradually coming to recognize the importance of the bird remedies in homeopathy: to date, only just over 100 remedies have been prepared – so we still lack a sound basis here. Jörg Wichmann helps consolidate our knowledge in this area with his summary of the remedy provings conducted so far.
This issue features an interview with Jonathan Shore. There are practical cases introducing us to Raven, Swift, Pelican, and Falcon. Misha Norland, Markus Kuntosch, Pat Deacon and other well-known homeopaths extend our knowledge of the Griffin. Annette Sneevliet and Deborah Collins present various Pigeons, Linda Johnston gives us a differential diagnosis of her case of Ara macaw in comparison to similar families, and Rosina Sonnenschmidt discusses the connection between domesticated exotic birds and their keepers. Jan Scholten with Geococcyx californianus and Chetna Shuklas with Pavo cristatus venture into new and uncharted territory, whereas Louis Klein's nosode Tuberculinum aviaire reminds us once again of the deep affinity between birds and humans.

0.00 US$

We are gradually coming to recognize the importance of the bird remedies in homeopathy: to date, only just over 100 remedies have been prepared – so we still lack a sound basis here. Jörg Wichmann helps consolidate our knowledge in this area with his summary of the remedy provings conducted so far.
This issue features an interview with Jonathan Shore. There are practical cases introducing us to Raven, Swift, Pelican, and Falcon. Misha Norland, Markus Kuntosch, Pat Deacon and other well-known homeopaths extend our knowledge of the Griffin. Annette Sneevliet and Deborah Collins present various Pigeons, Linda Johnston gives us a differential diagnosis of her case of Ara macaw in comparison to similar families, and Rosina Sonnenschmidt discusses the connection between domesticated exotic birds and their keepers. Jan Scholten with Geococcyx californianus and Chetna Shuklas with Pavo cristatus venture into new and uncharted territory, whereas Louis Klein's nosode Tuberculinum aviaire reminds us once again of the deep affinity between birds and humans.

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0.00 US$

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Connie Wehmeyer
verified purchase
1 year ago
Some Very Helpful Perspectives
I found this book gave me a lot of different insights to use in my practice in addition to a lot of studying I have done on covid the last few years. i was somewhat shocked that the one homeopath contributor did get the vx, but everyone has to do what they feel is right for them. I learned a lot about Picric acid that I didn't know - now have some on hand. Thanks for putting together this informative book. read more ...
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Veronika Ehrler, Ärztin
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3 years ago
Interessante und hilfreiche Lektüre
Wer mit der Empfindungsmethode arbeitet - der ist mit den Spektrum-Heften arbeitet immer gut versorgt. Ich tue das nicht - freue mich aber immer wieder über die interessanten Themenhefte.
Auch dieses Reptilien- Heft hat mich begeistert.
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caroline hayward
verified purchase
4 years ago
e-book Spectrum
having subscribed to Spectrum consistently since its launch its become a very important and informative journal for viewing a window into contemporary and classical methodologies of many experienced Homeopaths from all areas of practice. Its wonderful to be able to access the e-book version especially at this time of a global crisis but I'd much prefer the hard copy to be able to turn pages manually as is so much easier to review the articles and hidden gems of information. It also provides details on the latest books and reviews. read more ...
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verified purchase
4 years ago
Good insight into homeopathic treatment of hormonal disorders
Good insight into homeopathic treatment of hormonal disorders. I am excited to learn about Liz Lalor protocol. read more ...
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Rodolfo Frederico
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4 years ago
Der Titel hat mich veranlasst dieses Heft zu kaufen. Eine derzeit in der Familie vorhandene Problematik wird nicht genügend beschrieben. Insgesamt eine gute Broschüre wie Allergien behandelt und erfolgreich angegangenen werden können. Bei evtl. Bedarf kann darauf zurück gegriffen werden. Dass diverse Schwerpunkt Themen in Spektrum beschrieben werden ist eine gute Methode und lobenswert. read more ...
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verified purchase
4 years ago
viele Information
das Lesen der Artikel ist immer wieder informativ und regt zum Nachdenken und Nachlesen an read more ...
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Marzenna Pelzer
verified purchase
4 years ago
Interessante Fälle zu der Thematik. read more ...
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Anjana R. Suresh

5 years ago
lanthanides uncovered
This issue provides a good insight on the central ideas of lanthanide remedies and quite a few short cases to understand how they may present themselves to the homeopath. read more ...
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Pauline Wilson
verified purchase
5 years ago
Spectrum of Homeopathy 2012-2,
An interesting read so far, especially love the pinus case, lots here to come at from all the kingdoms with new ways of perceiving even more common remedies, pleased to have it in the library. read more ...
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Christiane Lukas
verified purchase
5 years ago
eine sehr informative Zeitschrift!
Seit Jahren lese ich regelmäßig das Spektrum, ich halte es für eine äußerst hilfreiche Informationsquelle für jeden Homöopathen.
In dieser Ausgabe allerdings fehlte mir ein bißchen der Zusammenhang, z.B. eine grundlegende Erklärung, wann und warum überhaupt Edelsteine als hom.Mittel infrage kommen, welche Steine geprüft sind und welche Grundthemen zugrunde liegen.
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