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Set-Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2021 - E-Book

Narayana Verlag

Set-Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2021 - E-Book, Narayana Verlag
publication: 2020
product no.: 30766
3 issues per 2021

Set-Spectrum of Homeopathy - Set 2021 - E-Book

Narayana Verlag

Genus Epidemicus, Mosses and Ferns, Invertebrates
58.90 US$
41.90 US$
28,9% cheaper
publication: 2020
product no.: 30766
3 issues per 2021

“Spectrum of Homeopathy” is Narayana Publishers’ new journal, whose aim is to combine thorough clinical experience, compact information of materia medica, and diversity of methods.

Issues of 2021:
- Genus Epidemicus
- Mosses and Ferns
- Invertebrates

Genus Epidemicus
Due to the heterogeneous course of Covid-19 and the differing interpretations of what constitutes the genus epidemicus, a wide variety of homeopathic remedies have been used around the world to treat infection with SARS-CoV-2 – from classic epidemic remedies such as Arsenicum album, Bryonia, Camphora or Phosphorus to unusual ones such as Abrotanum, Cryptococcus neoformans or Ozone. Numerous cases demonstrate how a wide variety of homeopathic treatment concepts and remedies can lead to rapid symptomatic improvement and stop the progression of the disease.  We focus on the stages of Covid-19 in which successful treatment is urgent. This is true both of the early “flu-like” phase of illness as well as in the prolonged convalescence characterising protracted cases.  Further indications for homeopathic treatment are the reactive psychological disturbances triggered by the pandemic such as depression, fear and paranoia

Mosses and Ferns
Primitive plants such as mosses and ferns have so far largely escaped the attention of homeopathy – maybe due to their tried-and-tested survival strategy. Many of these plants, some over 400 million years old, have survived to the present day only by extreme adaptation, becoming ever more inconspicuous. This is especially true of the once impressive club moss and horsetail, the two familiar representatives of primitive plants in our materia medica. They guide us in taking a homeopathic look at the world of ferns, with which – using new provings and clinical cases – we develop the themes of the pteridophytes in this issue. The door to the kingdom of mosses was opened in 2017 by Jan Scholten with his “sense provings” of over 30 different species. We would like to dig deeper here with the help of a series of cases.

Apart from the insects and spiders, which we have already covered in a separate issue, homeopaths only know a few homeopathic remedies from most invertebrate orders. In addition the early stage of evolution and the lack of a backbone lead to similarities in the remedy picture of very different animal remedies, such as corals, jellyfish, lobsters, snails or worms. Their developmental level generally corresponds to the Carbon series, the second row of the periodic table. The homeopathically most important phylum is the molluscs with Sepia as the leading substance. The molluscs are therefore the main focus of this issue, in which we present practical cases covering the common themes of the invertebrates and the differentiation of the various phyla, orders and species.


58.90 US$
41.90 US$
28,9% cheaper

“Spectrum of Homeopathy” is Narayana Publishers’ new journal, whose aim is to combine thorough clinical experience, compact information of materia medica, and diversity of methods.

Issues of 2021:
- Genus Epidemicus
- Mosses and Ferns
- Invertebrates

Genus Epidemicus
Due to the heterogeneous course of Covid-19 and the differing interpretations of what constitutes the genus epidemicus, a wide variety of homeopathic remedies have been used around the world to treat infection with SARS-CoV-2 – from classic epidemic remedies such as Arsenicum album, Bryonia, Camphora or Phosphorus to unusual ones such as Abrotanum, Cryptococcus neoformans or Ozone. Numerous cases demonstrate how a wide variety of homeopathic treatment concepts and remedies can lead to rapid symptomatic improvement and stop the progression of the disease.  We focus on the stages of Covid-19 in which successful treatment is urgent. This is true both of the early “flu-like” phase of illness as well as in the prolonged convalescence characterising protracted cases.  Further indications for homeopathic treatment are the reactive psychological disturbances triggered by the pandemic such as depression, fear and paranoia

Mosses and Ferns
Primitive plants such as mosses and ferns have so far largely escaped the attention of homeopathy – maybe due to their tried-and-tested survival strategy. Many of these plants, some over 400 million years old, have survived to the present day only by extreme adaptation, becoming ever more inconspicuous. This is especially true of the once impressive club moss and horsetail, the two familiar representatives of primitive plants in our materia medica. They guide us in taking a homeopathic look at the world of ferns, with which – using new provings and clinical cases – we develop the themes of the pteridophytes in this issue. The door to the kingdom of mosses was opened in 2017 by Jan Scholten with his “sense provings” of over 30 different species. We would like to dig deeper here with the help of a series of cases.

Apart from the insects and spiders, which we have already covered in a separate issue, homeopaths only know a few homeopathic remedies from most invertebrate orders. In addition the early stage of evolution and the lack of a backbone lead to similarities in the remedy picture of very different animal remedies, such as corals, jellyfish, lobsters, snails or worms. Their developmental level generally corresponds to the Carbon series, the second row of the periodic table. The homeopathically most important phylum is the molluscs with Sepia as the leading substance. The molluscs are therefore the main focus of this issue, in which we present practical cases covering the common themes of the invertebrates and the differentiation of the various phyla, orders and species.


58.90 US$
41.90 US$
28,9% cheaper

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Denise Wilhelmi

2 years ago
Reptiles "E Book"
I spent 2 days trying to download this Ebook and finally contacted Adobe to find they cannot help me as Adobe does not support the Elements download programme.
I emailed Narayana Verlag 'contact person' to request help or a replacement hard copy. The outcome is l need to cancel my order and re order a hard copy. If i am successful i will do another review.
I have been satisfied with previous books purchased through Narayana Verlag.
Best Regards.
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Dr Farokh Master
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4 years ago
Classical Homoeopathy missing
Fantasy talks, no classical material. read more ...
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Dr Farokh Master
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4 years ago
Classical Homoeopathy missing
Fantasy talks, no classical material. read more ...
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Dr Farokh Master
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4 years ago
Classical Homoeopathy missing
Fantasy talks, no classical material. read more ...
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Dr Farokh Master
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4 years ago
Classical Homoeopathy missing
Fantasy talks, no classical material. read more ...
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Dr Farokh Master
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4 years ago
Classical Homoeopathy missing
Fantasy talks, no classical material. read more ...
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Dr Farokh Master
verified purchase
4 years ago
Classical Homoeopathy missing
Fantasy talks, no classical material. read more ...
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Dr Farokh Master
verified purchase
4 years ago
Classical Homoeopathy missing
Total modern fantasy stuff. No classical authors, no classical stuff. read more ...
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