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Bye Bye Covid - Imperfect Copy

Andreas Ludwig Kalcker

Bye Bye Covid - Imperfect Copy, Andreas Ludwig Kalcker
Buch: 220 pages, pb
publication: 2021
product no.: 30355
weight: 350g
Imperfect copy: Book is slightly dented.
Reduced from € 14,95 to only € 12.-

Bye Bye Covid - Imperfect Copy

Andreas Ludwig Kalcker

The solution to coronavirus that they don't want you to know about...
A pioneering path out of the plandemic, proven by courageous doctors and friends of the truth, by Andreas Kalcker.
15.90 US$
12.70 US$
20,1% cheaper
  • only a few in stock, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
Buch: 220 pages, pb
publication: 2021
product no.: 30355
weight: 350g
Imperfect copy: Book is slightly dented.
Reduced from € 14,95 to only € 12.-

The publisher writes:

The solution to the coronavirus pandemic is now in your hands
Bye Bye Covid is written by doctors and experts, showing how it is possible to safely and effectively treat the coronavirus. Recent scientific studies show it to be more than 99 percent effective, without any serious side effects.

Probably the most important medical discovery of the last 100 years
Bye Bye Covid is a book full of impressive pictures and information on the results of chlorine dioxide treatment in the form of CDS, a simple, cost-effective and easy-to-use new treatment to rescue the lives of millions of people.

The unbelievable story of a group of doctors
The book tells the story of how a group of doctors and Andreas Ludwig Kalcker succeeded in developing a solution for the coronavirus pandemic. They achieved this with the help of chlorine dioxide, which the mainstream media has never covered in a fair and impartial way.

The virus spread rapidly in Latin America and there seemed to be no stopping it. The number of fatalities numbered in the thousands and no one knew how to stop the epidemic. A turnaround came, however, in 2020 as doctors met at a conference of COMUSAV, an international medical group, to analyze the epidemic and make an important discovery: the virus could be stopped with chlorine dioxide, known as CDS. This book is a rare thing: informative, interesting, funny and useful.

Read Bye Bye Covid and you will no longer need to worry about corona viruses and vaccines.

With all my heart!
Dr. h.c. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker is a biophysicist and humanitarian, as well as very committed in his work to save lives.

15.90 US$
12.70 US$
20,1% cheaper
  • only a few in stock, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

The publisher writes:

The solution to the coronavirus pandemic is now in your hands
Bye Bye Covid is written by doctors and experts, showing how it is possible to safely and effectively treat the coronavirus. Recent scientific studies show it to be more than 99 percent effective, without any serious side effects.

Probably the most important medical discovery of the last 100 years
Bye Bye Covid is a book full of impressive pictures and information on the results of chlorine dioxide treatment in the form of CDS, a simple, cost-effective and easy-to-use new treatment to rescue the lives of millions of people.

The unbelievable story of a group of doctors
The book tells the story of how a group of doctors and Andreas Ludwig Kalcker succeeded in developing a solution for the coronavirus pandemic. They achieved this with the help of chlorine dioxide, which the mainstream media has never covered in a fair and impartial way.

The virus spread rapidly in Latin America and there seemed to be no stopping it. The number of fatalities numbered in the thousands and no one knew how to stop the epidemic. A turnaround came, however, in 2020 as doctors met at a conference of COMUSAV, an international medical group, to analyze the epidemic and make an important discovery: the virus could be stopped with chlorine dioxide, known as CDS. This book is a rare thing: informative, interesting, funny and useful.

Read Bye Bye Covid and you will no longer need to worry about corona viruses and vaccines.

With all my heart!
Dr. h.c. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker is a biophysicist and humanitarian, as well as very committed in his work to save lives.

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15.90 US$
12.70 US$
20,1% cheaper
  • only a few in stock, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

A damage-free copy of this product19.10 US$Add to Basket

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2 years ago
Missleading Title
This, I'd think, is a great book for doctors and practitioners. It describes the paths and tribullations of doctors who applied CD and received great results.
However, I as a regular person was looking for a manual, which based on the Titel: "Bye, Bye Covid, The "SOLUTION TO CORONAVIRUS THAT THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT..." I thought I was getting, with REAL, APPLICABLE "SOLUTIONS", applications and protocolls with Chlorine Dioxide for Prevention, Treatments and the after effects of Long Haul Covid, which this book contains NONE. So, I'm very dissapointed and wished instad I had ordered the 'Forbidden Health' book by Andeal Kalcker. I waisted $54
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